Sintering and debinding
Integrated sintering and debinding

Sintering and debinding

Integrated sintering and debinding is a subject which our process technology department is engaged in for years. Our systems are especially suited for the combination of these processes in one furnace run. Our patented ISO furnace was developed specifically for this purpose, based on a manifold of experiences. Our extensive program of accessories permits a high degree of customization of our furnace series.

Under vacuum or process gas:Cold-wall furnaces up to a temperature of 2000°C:

Hot-wall furnaces up to a temperature of 1300°C:


Sintering and debinding

Fritz-Winkler-Straße 1-2
D-07749 Jena

Tel. +49 (0) 3641 5656-0
Fax +49 (0) 3641 5656-11

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MUT auf Wachstumskurs

Begleitet wird der Wachstumskurs des Familienunternehmens, welches in diesem Herbst seinen 30. Jahrestag feiert, mit einem großen Investitionsprojekt in Höhe von 2 Mio. Euro.

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